You’re only as good as your team!
This week was amazing and every day was full of wonderful challenges. Early Wednesday morning I was on the road at 5:45 am for Vancouver, Washington (about 2 1/2 hours from my place in Renton) to teach a clock hour class, Real Estate in the Social Age. It’s about a 2 1/2 to 3 hour drive depending on traffic.
What I love about my work is...
1. I get to explore study talk and teach subjects that are dear to my heart (the evolving social media environment and how it affects every aspect of our contemporary lives).
2. And most important, I get to do it with a great team of people I admire. They’re more than smart dedicated and on top of their game. Due diligence is their every day. Who could ask for more?
As it turned out it was an exceptionally beautiful morning with little traffic and I made record time, about 2 hours and 20 minutes. The mountains were visible, Rainier, St Helens, Adams, and Hood. The flowers were all in bloom and so was the Scotch Bloom along the Freeway. I was wishing I had one of those Google cameras on top of my Explorer so I could record the whole drive then set it to music.
Yet, there I go, adrift from the point. We had a great class and for me what’s most important is they learned something and so did I. I consider myself an explorer more than an expert. I love to tinker and figure things out. I’m about a very personal empirical method when it comes to the online and the social. By that I simply mean I experiment and try things. I don’t take stats, other opinions, and/or expert opinions that seriously until I’ve done my work.
Truly, you're only as good as your TEAM! Point here is it’s rare when the people you work with also get that. A big shout out to my coworkers Larry Hales and Kate Mendenhall who do! They took such good care of me and their participation in the class and the conversations we had around it were so enlightening.
Then of course, there was the lovely lunch at Planet Thai. The Chicken Pad Thai was delicious and what a fun place. I loved the ambience. Larry & Kate, thank you so much for hanging with me, supporting me, and the great conversations we had about life, the universe, and everything.
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