Saturday, October 26, 2013

Why no tall buildings downtown Renton?

The flight path for landing from the south at Renton Municipal Airport (aka, Clayton Scott Field)runs right over the west end of old downtown Renton. I'm standing in the Safeway parking lot at 200 S 3rd St and as you watch this piper cub come in for a landing, notice it's flying right over the store. Actually, this plane is coming in a tad bit higher than many I've watched from here.

The tallest buildings in town are the 7 story Triton Towers (1, 2, and 3) about one mile south of here on Grady Way just off I-405.

I love listening to the doppler effect watching these little planes come and go. It's fun to follow the sound envelope they create as they go by, especially when it's not too noisy out. Notice a few birds fly by below the plane. They're so used to them flying over head here they seem to ignore them.

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