Sunday, July 17, 2011

Vintage People, Vintage Music, and Vintage Cars

Late this morning I get a call just before noon from my friend Dave (Dave Hoskin). "Hey, if you got time, drop by... we're playing a gig at the Lakeshore Retirement Home on Rainier from Noon to 2:00 pm. Swing by and say hi"...

I’ve mention Dave a few times in my posts. We get together for coffee every couple of weeks at Mom’s Kitchen and other places too. We also share of passion for literature and love going on our annual trip to the Seattle Antiquarian Book Fair. He’s one of my oldest and dearest friends.

Today was such a plus! I got to see another dear old friend of mine, John Giuliani Jr. His Dad and my Dad grew up together in Renton. Our families were close for decades! Google Plus including Circles has nothing on us, we’ve known each other forever. We're connected to so many of the same people in our community for many many decades.

Talk about a couple of guys who pay it forward and backward. We have that silent bond that respects where we came from. We cherish the many wonderful people in our community that so willingly made our growing up and quality of life possible. I so respect Dave and John. The demonstrate that love for people and community everyday. They aren't bloggers, nor do they advertise. They just do it.

Dave is in the back on drums... and John is playing the standup bass.

I got to see a bunch of old timer’s from Renton today I haven’t seen in years (including John’s aunt whom I haven’t seen in decades). John brought the house down (as they say) playing some old Italian songs just for her on the accordion. We all got teared up!

I know I blogged awhile back about getting a VW Beetle, but seriously... wouldn't one of these just be super fun! Let's Fly down the highway, it's summertime, with the top down. Let's go!

I actually looked under the hood of this old Ford, and I knew what I was looking at. I can't say the same thing about the Ford Explorer I drive now.

Small I'm thinking wasn't in the equation back in the 40's and 50's... Cars just don't make the same statement these days. I love the grill and the visor. It's almost like the car has a baseball cap on!

Good times, great friends, and wonderful people. What an awesome way to spend a couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon. I feel very fortunate.

Vintage People, Vintage Music, and Vintage Cars... A wonderful Saturday afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. I love these did you find ways to restore them?please keep me posted.thanks.
    antique car restoration
